If you are gradually cleaning up inefficient targeting criteria, or just filling in a new ad group — there may be a situation where there is a group, there are ads, but there is no targeting. In this situation, the group is supposedly active, but does not work.
Here is a script that checks for such groups:
function main() {
// Collect active GDN campaigns
var campaignActiveReport = 'SELECT campaign.id, segments.ad_network_type ' +
'FROM campaign ' +
'WHERE segments.ad_network_type = "CONTENT" ' +
'AND campaign.status = "ENABLED"';
var report = AdsApp.search(campaignActiveReport, {
apiVersion: 'v8'
var campaignsIDs = [];
while (report.hasNext()) {
var row = report.next();
var campaign_id = row.campaign.id;
// collect campaign IDs
// remove possible duplicates
var campaignsIDs = unique(campaignsIDs).sort();
if (campaignsIDs.length != +0) {
var campaigns = AdsApp.campaigns()
while (campaigns.hasNext()) {
var campaign = campaigns.next();
// get active groups that had no impressions yesterday
var adGroupSelector = campaign
.withCondition('Status = ENABLED')
.withCondition('Impressions = 0')
var adGroupIterator = adGroupSelector.get();
while (adGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
var adGroup = adGroupIterator.next();
// Get all targeting criteria
var adGroupAudiences = adGroup.display().audiences().get();
var adGroupKeywords = adGroup.display().keywords().get();
var adGroupPlacements = adGroup.display().placements().get();
var adGroupTopics = adGroup.display().topics().get();
if ((!adGroupAudiences.hasNext()) &&
(!adGroupKeywords.hasNext()) &&
(!adGroupPlacements.hasNext()) &&
(!adGroupTopics.hasNext())) {
// If none of the targeting types is found, write a message to the log
var string = getCurrentAccountDetails() + ' - ' + adGroup.getCampaign().getName() + ' - ' + adGroup.getName() + ' - отсутствует таргетинг!';
// Here you can easily attach the report function to the messenger or to the mail
function unique(arr) { // remove duplicates
var tmp = {};
return arr.filter(function (a) {
return a in tmp ? 0 : tmp[a] = 1;