How to exclude impressions in a specific domain zone with a script

Sometimes, in some topics, it happens that a significant proportion of excluded sites is in a certain domain zone. Or several.

And there is absolutely no point in disassembling these zones into good and bad — it is more logical to exclude the entire domain zone.

For such cases, you can use the following script:

var domain_zones = [
]; // list of domain zones to be excluded

function main() {
    for (var = 0; i < domain_zones.length; i++) {
        var placementSelector = AdsApp.display().placements()
            .withCondition('PlacementUrl CONTAINS "' + domain_zones[i] + '"')
            .withCondition("CampaignStatus != REMOVED");
        var placementIterator = placementSelector.get();
        while (placementIterator.hasNext()) {
            var placement =;
            var placementUrl = placement.getUrl();
            var campaign = placement.getCampaign();
            var excludeOperation = campaign.display()
            if (excludeOperation.isSuccessful()) {
                Logger.log(placementUrl + ' - excluded');
            } else  {
                Logger.log(placementUrl + ' - Failed to exclude');

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